The HUB Booking Engine
Book Faster. Stay Organized. Sell More.
Everything You Need in One Place
Save time and keep organized by managing all of your bookings in one place. The Hub Booking Engine allows you to book quickly and keeps everything you need in an easy to navigate interface. Having all of your customers on one, easy to manage platform, frees you to provide the customer service that will set you apart from the competition.
Cutting-Edge Platform
The HUB booking engine is built on cutting-edge technology. The platform adapts to any device giving you the flexibility to book tickets, any time and any place. The software’s automated processes reduce the time and effort required to complete your bookings.

Live Content
Access the most up to date content 24/7. Simultaneously search for published and private fares, ensuring the best deals every time.

Superior Booking
Allows you to hold and pay for tickets at a later time.
Custom Search
Calendar shopping, airlines, class of service, nonstop…The choice of combinations is endless.

Secured Processing
The highest level SSL certificates ensure secured processing for every transaction.

Currency Flexibility
The platform supports multiple currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP and many others.

Hub Technology
The HUB platform makes every step of the process easy and keeps you organized.

Automated Reminders
Customized to send reminders to yourself or your clients. For example, an email can be sent to remind a customer that their payment is due.
Commission Flexibility
Whether the fare is public or private, we display all of our fares as net to you, so you can adjust and create your own commissions.

Mobile Friendly
Manage your accounts away from the office any time. Responsive technology automatically adjusts the layout to the device you’re using.